Fortitude’s Approach to Leadership & Organization Development
CCT Trifecta®— A System Approach
Coaching — focus on the person
Coaching focuses on an individual’s ability to adapt existing knowledge, experience and skills to new challenges they are faced with. i.e. What is stopping you from solving the problem?
Working with an executive coach in a confidential environment, allows us to better understand and overcome the personal challenges and internal perceptions about our capabilities that impede performance.
Consulting — focus on the problem
“Technical know-how”
Consulting focuses on providing an individual or organization with the best course of action or what method and tool is most effective in order to solve new challenges they are faced with. The consultant also brings the knowledge and experience to implement it.
The core difference between consulting and coaching is, the consultant provides external technical know-how and the coach works to improve an individual’s adaptability skills.
Training — focus on new skills
Training works adjacent to coaching and consulting. As new methods and tools are introduced, formal training, along with the theory behind them, is critical to provide context and credibility to strategies deployed.
What additional skills can I learn to improve both personal and tactical execution?
Why is this important?
As discussed above, consulting focuses on solving problems by leveraging external expertise that the organization currently has a deficit in. Coaching focuses on adaptability, where the individual has the skills and experience but is struggling to successfully overcome the barriers stopping him/her from solving the problem. Training on the other hand brings to the table tried and true methods and theory; the why and credibility behind consulting and coaching advice.
The combination of coaching, consulting, and training together, in a system’s approach, is key in leading individuals or companies to a new level of sustainable success. Everyone has heard the phrase “give a person a fish and (s)he eats for a day, teach the person how to fish and (s)he eats forever” This is why the “trifecta” of the three approaches are critical for long term success.
Todd’s diverse background offers organizations the CCT Trifecta®, a unique system that brings all three components together to improve both individual and organizational performance.